The Three Fishes
There were three big fishes living in a lake
who were very close friends. All three of them
were very different from one another. The
first one believed in fate. He thought things
cannot be changed and what had to happen
will happen no matter what. The second one
was intelligent. He thought he knew how to
solve a problem if he had one, with his
intelligence. The third one was the wise one. It
thought long and hard before acting.
So one day, the wise fish was happily playing
around in the water, when it over heard a
fishermen talking to another. "Look at that
one, what a big fish... This lake is full of big
fishes like this one. Let us come tomorrow and
catch them."
It hurriedly swam to it's friends to tell the
news. "Let us get out of this lake before those
fishermen come back. A canal I know can take
us to another lake," the wise one said.
The intelligent fish said, " I know what to do if
the fishermen come and catch me."
The fish which believed in fate said,
"Whatever to happen will happen, I was born
in this lake and I am not going to leave it."
The wise fish didn't want to risk its life, so he
took the canal and went to another lake.
The fishermen came back the next morning
and cast their net. The rest of the two friends
were caught in it along with many other
The intelligent fish thought of a way to escape,
it acted as if it were dead. The fishermen
threw him along with other dead fish back into
the lake. But the other fish which believed in
fate was still jumping in the net and the
fishermen struck him dead.
Story moral: Intelligence wins over might.
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