Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Sparrow and the elephant


The Sparrow and the elephant

Long time ago there lived a sparrow with her
husband on a tree. She had built a nice nest
and laid her eggs in the nest.

One morning, a
wild elephant with spring fever feeling came
to the tree in search of shade and in a rage
broke the branch of the tree on which the nest
was residing.

Unluckily all the sparrow eggs
were lost though both parents were saved.
The she-sparrow was deep in sorrow.

Seeing her sorrow, the woodpecker bird, a
friend of hers offered her consolation that she
would think of a way of killing the elephant.

Then she went to her friend the black fly, who
in turn went to the counselor frog for advice.
The frog then devised a scheme for killing the

He asked the black fly to buzz in the
ears of the elephant, so that the elephant
would be thrilled to listen to the music of the
black fly and close its eyes.

Then she asked
the woodpecker to pluck his eyes. She herself
would be on the edge of a pit and would croak
misleading the elephant to think that it is a

The next day at noon the three carried out the
plan and the elephant was killed when he fell
flat into a pit after being blinded by the
woodpecker when he closed his eyes in
response to the black fly.

So the revenge was
taken with collective wit of all three animals.

Story moral: Intelligence wins over might.  

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